Layover App


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No one travels like we do. Whether you fly for a living or explore the world on ID tickets. We are unique in the way we just pick up and go across countries and oceans. Really, no one travels like we do. Except, of course, other airline staff.This is the premise of layover. We all share this experience of travel and a lifestyle that is unique to our industry. We understand that we are, at any given point in time, in places we have never heard of before, places where we don't know anyone. Layover wants to connect crew and airline staff and form a community across company lines to provide a platform for a social experience.
In addition to connecting people within the industry, layover lets people share information that is useful to the community. This includes social events, sources of airline discounts and any other information that is beneficial to us all. We want to leverage and share the knowledge and experience on travel that we all accumulate.